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Character Creation:
Tips and answers for frequent questions about your visual or written application.

Please be sure to read the story and FAQ prior to creating your character!

To create an application, you need three things: a visual application, a written profile, and an inventory sheet, the specifics for which can be found below. Once these are finished, submit the links to your app and sheets to the #app-checks channel in the Submissions category. You must wait for a mod to approve your application and promote you to the Trainers role - or communicate the tweaks that need to be made for it to be approved - before making any catch rolls or purchases in the shop.

Visual App Requirements
- Legible name of the character
- Waist-up/full body colored image of the character—must be original art or at least art that you have permission to use.
- Starter Pokémon

At the very least, we require flat coloring ! Even a chibi can work as a temporary reference until the mun can update it accordingly. 

The visual app does not need to be continuously updated with future pokemon if you do not wish to do that. At most, we’d like to have the starter on the image.


pkmn fuchsia app_preview.png

Written App:
*Note: the written does not need to be in this specific format, just as long the information we ask is on the doc, that's the most we're asking. You can add to it if you'd like.

Nickname(s): (Optional)
Age: ( 16+, yes canonly trainers start at 10, but as the adult characters may be discussing adult themes, we just rather not .)
Height: (can be cm but please include ft as well if you do)
Roto-chat username: (used to participate in the group Roto-chatroom, which all IC participants have access to)



(Can be written in bullet points. 3 Neutrals are optional)

3 Positives - 3 Negatives
You don't need to write an essay explaining their personality but we'd like a couple sentences at least.
Can be just list bullet point and a sentence describing the trait

History: What is their beginnings? Why are they joining the Tournament? At least needs to be 100 words but go ahead and write to your heart's content.


Character FAQ:
design q & a

1.) Are unnatural hair colors and eye colors okay?

Go nuts! The only thing we don't allow are unnatural skin tones.

2.) Leader Sabrina has psychic abilities, can my character also have that?

Sure thing! Though, this is the most we allow power/ability wise, and you must remember that there are drawbacks to every ability. The psychic abilities stretch over anything psychic adjacent.

3.) Can my character have a relation to a canon character?

Characters can absolutely be from the Joy or Jenny families, with the understanding that your personal lore for that particular branch of the family doesn't apply to canon, or to any other family members who are submitted. You are also accepting, by doing so, that your character would be related in some way to any other characters who are submitted as part of the family. 

It is worth noting that we may allow characters who are related to other canon characters, not just ones from the Joy or Jenny lines - these are approved on a case by case basis, however, and depend on how certain characters interact or interfere with our plot. 

.) How do ID numbers work?

ID numbers you can worry about after being accepted into the group. It's existence is purely for lore reasons; Similar to Galar with the jerseys. 

The number your oc gets will be how they were scored onto the Top 100.
This number will also be how the tournament organizes players.

5 .) Is there a uniform for the competition or a dress code?

No. Feel free to dress them however you like, within reason. They are expected to be presentable on television, so use that as your guideline. Your trainer will be given a Tournament registration and identification number instead of a uniform. Though, even then, the number only really matters in terms of their official tournament information and some fan merch.

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