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World Trivia:
Looking for more details about something? Here's some miscellaneous trivia that may help!

X-Plor Corp.

X-Plor is a worldwide company which has offices and operations in all of the known regions of the world. With humble beginnings as a study group formed in a college dorm room, X-Plor has been a science club, a social group, and a dream. Today, it has grown much further than any of its origins. As an investment group, X-Plor funds many research projects and scientific studies, focusing on little known projects which push the boundaries of modern science beyond what most think is possible. As such, X-Plor is involved in a wide variety of operations, from medical research to urban development to high end technological equipment.
Largely, X-Plor is most famous for its work with preservation and resurrection of ancient and endangered pokemon species. Their main headquarters, based out of the distant Northern region of Rusek, is home to the most diverse collection of fossils and captive zoo pokemon in the world. Each of their regional headquarters, of course, has a similar collection. 

What exactly X-Plor will get involved with next is always a surprise, but one absolute certainty is that whatever it is, it will undoubtedly change our world, as all of their other inventions and projects have thus far.


A news station that's recently gained global popularity as being the first station to broadcast about the Tournament, and the one with an inside scoop on all the details. It's host, Poppy Kurita, is becoming some sort of a local icon. She holds a cheery demeanor with each news update-- her word has yet to be proven wrong.

This will also be the main new station for your character as
they go about their journey. This is how they'll receive updates about the region around them and other participating contestants, so they'd best pay attention!

Canon Characters.

While we expect all participating trainers to be original characters, we do feature some canon characters as NPC's, such as the gym leaders, the elites, and Professor Oak, just to name a few. We aren't planning to RP or involve them except where absolutely necessary, however. We will instead be focusing on the original NPC's we've made for our plot line, to reduce conflict with Canon characterization and events as much as possible.

For more information about how Canon characters can be involved with your OC, check out our character creation page!

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