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General questions and answers! Need more help? Pop into the
server and ask away!

1.) There's a city in Kanto that's also named Fuchsia - is that city important?

Nope! We named the group, then realized afterward that there was also a city which shared the name. It's just coincidence or happenstance; nothing important happens in Fuchsia in particular, and characters won't have any special interactions or anything just because they're from there.

2.) Are fakemon or variations allowed?

We do not allow Fakemon, largely because we use Pokemon Showdown as a way to do battles and we can't add those to that system. 
As for variations, we offer an
item in the shop which can be purchased to allow cosmetic changes to your pokemon. There are also shinies available, if you're lucky!

3.) Which Pokemon do we start with?

In order to celebrate Kanto's customs, the Tournament requires anyone that's passed registration to start with one of Kanto's regional starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. Do you need to use them your entire journey? No. Everyone just needs one of them to start, per Kanto tradition. They will start at lvl 5 just like in-game. You can start them off shiny as well if you'd to exchange your starting money for the shiny charm item! 

4.) What if my trainer has their own Pokemon prior to this?

Your trainer is expected to leave their former teams behind, with the exception of one companion Pokemon. Companion Pokemon serve as pets and, well, companions, and can be any breed you want, save for the obvious exception of legendaries and fossils.) However, your trainer will Not be allowed to use them in the Tournament until they reach the appropriate level, and purchase an item from the shop to transfer them from companion to team Pokemon. Without that item, just think of them like pets, or best friends, or whatever floats your boat.

5.) What is the universal language?
For the sake of simplifying things, we'll just say it's English.

6.) Do our trainer need to be from Kanto or from Pallet Town?

Please read the story again. Part of the whole competition's popularity comes from being open to everyone regardless of being from the region or not! They can be from places as far away as Unova or Alola, or as close as Johto. Whatever you'd prefer!

7.) How do we pick our movesets/abilities/natures/etc?

Ultimately, the choices are up to you, but to see what you can choose from, you may use any reliable website such as Smogon or Bulbapedia to view and choose your Pokemon's moveset, natures, and abilities.  You may choose any move that they naturally learn via levelling up, so long as your pokemon has achieved the level required to learn said move. Other moves, such as TMs or Egg moves, are available through other methods, such as purchasing at the Pokemart or hatching a pokemon. 

8.) Are gym battles important to the group or need to be done if I join?
Again, please read the story. Gym battles are vital to your trainer's journey! In character, the badges prove your trainer has completed the relevant gym challenge. OOC wise, not collecting badges may lock you out of certain items, events and even levelling up your pokemon! So please, if you don't plan on doing these, this group may not be for you.

9.) Can we have additional characters?

Secondary characters are available after becoming a member of the group! At the moment we only allow at max 2 characters. This will most likely increase later on once we're on a more stable footing. However we're adding a rule that you must join an event rp to buy a slot. We wish to give the extra slot(s) to people participating in story rather than here to do the rolls uu 

10.) Can our characters have history as a grunt or team member?

Sure! We just ask to not give them the world's most depressing and gruesome backstory. Angst is fine and a little bit of adult themes are cool just don't kick their puppy and take their arm in the war too. Other than that, you can do whatever you want for a backstory. Just keep things reasonable, please and thank you.

11.) How active does one need to be??

Ideally we'd like to see you active in some way; whether it'd be character interactions or simply around the server, but there's nothing concrete. We do, do activity checks but those are randomized whenever we feel we may need to check in on interest. Basically we hope you go through the effort of the app and plan to be active.

The group is pretty leisure and we try to give head's up on events to not surprise anyone too much. We're very chill and understanding of time is challenging to work with! We also have a mod team that usually has someone around to host repeat events incase you miss the first go around.

12.) How does acceptance work? 

We're looking at each app!
We read
and see if the character's bio fits into the lore aka if you read and understood the plot of the group. If not, we'll give you suggestions to edit your app if you wish to still try so you don't have to worry about a possible hard deny or anything. We are also looking at how you are in chat. Just standard: ' is this person nice? ' 

13.) How does design updates work? Is there cosmetic items?

At the moment, there's no cosmetic items to be purchased so you're free to change your trainer as you'd like! However, if anything you plan to be permanent or long-term, please update your app accordingly!

14.) Do new characters start with anything?

We offer a 'Welcome Package' to new trainers/new character slots! The welcome package contains:

- 500 pc
- 5 pokeballs
- 3 great balls
- 1 ultra ball


15.) How do other character slots work?

In terms of daily rolls, items, pokemon and everything else, treat it as new characters = new body. They get their own set of daily rolls and whatever else.

You are allowed to trade with yourself and trade pokemon/items to your other characters, just be sure you aren't basically dumping your entire inventory onto the new character. 

16.) Do we keep track of our own money, inventory, pkmn, etc?

Yes! This group has a strong sense of honor system when it comes to this. So far, we haven't had any trouble with it so please don't ruin the fun !

17.) Since psychic abilities exist, what about Aura ?

For now, we'd like to keep it contained in the city of Rota. However, if you have your character with abilities due to Aura, feel free to send your app in for a check and we can discuss it more!

General questions and answers! need more help? Pop into the
server and ask away!

1.) What level do Pokemon from eggs start at?

Level 1 !! Pokemon hatched from eggs also get the option of one egg move. Otherwise, there's no other way for pokemon to obtain these moves.

2.) Is breeding an available mechanic?
Yes! There's an item in the shop and members have the total of 2 slots per month to breed pokemon of choice. We follow the rule of the egg being the mother species. Egg moves do NOT tie to the pokemon, you can pick whatever egg moves of choice.

3.) How does evolution work?

In the games, Pokémon evolve through many different ways. Most evolve by leveling up, which is the primary way Pokémon evolve in our group as well. Some Pokémon, however, evolve from being traded, turning your DS upside down while training your Pokémon, or using other methods like evolution stones, friendship levels, or items. 

For normal evolutions through level ups, you can evolve the pokemon at your own discretion. Though, we’d love to see a submission of this pokemon! Whether prior evolution or after, we’d like to see it sometime.

For evolutions through stones or items, we have an item in the shop called Evolution Stone. This stone can work as any needed stone or any needed trade item. Think of it like a ball of playdoh; you can change it how you need it. Additionally, though the current setting is restricted to the Kanto region, stages of Kantonian Pokémon that are only available in later generations are available (i.e; Eevee may evolve into Leafeon, Sylveon, or Glaceon as opposed to being restricted to Jolteon/Vaporeon/Flareon). 

For evolutions through trade, you can trade with a me
mber in the group! If they require a held item, simply give them the evolution stone to hold. Or in other words, mention in the trade log you are using the stone.

For evolutions depending on time of day, friendships, spinning around, etc, this is at your own discretion. However, with these types of evolutions, we require a submission. Whether it's art, writing or an rp log, we'd like something to prove the time with your pokemon!

In the event that your pokemon can evolve into a number of forms based on their gender or nature, these things must be reflected in your pokemon’s information per the official lore. For Tyrogue, however, you may choose which one your pokemon evolves into - or, roll 1d3 and make it random. Same thing can be applied to other pokemon with a similar evolution tree.


4.) How does catching Pokemon work?

Once per day, trainers can try their luck catching Pokémon in the #rolls channel of the Routes category in the server. The areas in which trainers can try catching Pokémon change intermittently. Trainers may only roll for one area, once a day - unless, of course, you purchase honey from the shop, in which case you may roll again, in any route.

Honey allows you to refresh your daily roll and give you another chance at rolling in an area. It can be the same area or a different area. However, the use varies. If you’ve obtained the Boulder Badge, the use of honey per day is unlimited. If you have yet to earn the badge, you are restricted to one honey use a day. 

To try your hand at catching a Pokémon, the trainer chooses an area from the available list of links in the topmost channel, #areas, of the Routes category. The chosen area’s document will contain the routes available for rolling in. You may roll for all of the routes available in the document for only one area per day.

EX; If you choose Area One, you would roll for routes 1, 2, 22, and Viridian Forest. If you purchase the permanent fishing rod upgrade, you may also roll for the Fishing section of that route. Thus, making your dice 4d100 or 5d100 with the fishing rod. If you choose Area Two, you’d be rolling for routes 3, Mt.Moon, 24, and - if you have a rod - fishing. Again making it 3d100 or 4d100 with fishing rod.

The number you rolled will be the corresponding Pokémon of that number/route.

The 1d100 die can be increased to 2d100, 3d100, and 4d100 through purchase of capture balls in the Pokémart, though this does not change the number of Pokémon obtained on a daily route roll. Instead, it improves your odds of catching a certain Pokémon. Pokéballs can be added to one specific route per Pokéball used - so, you could add a Great Ball to your roll for Route 22 in Area One, but this wouldn’t change your rolls for Routes One, Two, or Viridian Forest. 

EX; Samuel Oak really wants to catch a Pikachu in the Viridian Forest route, so he buys an Ultra Ball from the Pokémart, which increases his dice pool from 1d100 to 4d100. He rolls a 4d100 using the t!roll 4d100 command in the #rolls channel, and gets 26, 80, 63, and 95. He picks pikachu (95) and he then uses 1d100 for each of his other routes in Area 1. 


5.) How do Shiny Pokemon work?
All Pokémon have an opportunity to be shiny, regardless of how they are obtained. These Pokémon can be shiny through one of two methods: purchasing a Shiny Charm, or by random chance.

By purchasing a Shiny Charm throug
h the shop, a trainer can guarantee a newly obtained Pokémon is shiny. This can be applied to an egg after it is hatched or when a new Pokémon is caught through a daily catch roll, but it cannot be applied retroactively to a Pokémon that has been in a trainer’s party or inventory for more than 24 hours, and it cannot be applied to a pokemon obtained via trade, unless that pokemon was caught within the last 24 hours. 

For a trainer to leave it up to chance, after obtaining their Pokémon they should make their way to the #shiny-rolls channel under the Routes category. There, they roll a number of d100’s = to the number of Pokémon they are checking to be shiny. On a 100, the Pokémon is shiny—anything less than that is a regularly colored Pokémon. You can choose which of the Pokémon you rolled for you wish to make into a shiny.

EX; Samuel Oak has 3 Pokémon he just caught: a Magikarp, a Diglett, and a Pikachu. He moves to the #shiny-rolls channel and makes a post stating which Pokémon he’s rolling for, t
hen rolls a 3d100 using the t!roll 3d100 command. He rolls a 100, 81, 70. Because the group allows a pick and choose shiny option, he chooses to make his Pikachu shiny.

The color and patterns of the shiny Pokémon are entirely up to the mun if it's caught by the 100 roll. I.e., if you want a shiny Charmander that is blue instead of gold, you are more than welcome to have that coloration. Using a shiny charm will make it the canon color, however, we have an item that allows variation and freedom of design (aesthetically.)


6.) What about Regional Variants and Alternate forms (mega, gigantimax,etc) ?

Although your characters are in the Kanto region, they aren’t locked there. We'll be hosting mini-events that take place in other regions and offer monthly eggs that can be purchased as a way to get regional variants. 

Alternate forms such as Mega Evolution may be available for purchase through the shop's monthly battle items rotation.

7.) How do Gym Challenges work?

As the story progresses and new areas are available on the map, gym leaders will be available for members to challenge and earn badges, levels, and Pokécoins for doing so! Each of the gym leaders are the same familiar faces you know and love from the games, using their trademark Pokémon - for the most part, anyways. 

Gym challenges can be completed through Pokémon Showdown or by submitting an art or lit piece describing how your battle went.

Doing the gym challenges is a must for this group, as
 quite a few activities will be locked behind having badges. We’ll provide many ways for you to be able to do these challenges, however, so there’s something for everyone. 

8.) Is Showdown the only way to do battles?

We understand that using Showdown may be new and unfamiliar to some, which is why it is not mandatory to use it. You may use any of the methods listed to battle in our group, as you prefer - however, if you’re new to Showdown and interested in learning how to set up a team and start a battle, head over to our Showdown Guide to see how it works.

We've also created a simple rp battle system for those that'd rather rp out the scenerio! However, unlike showdown, levels and coins can only be earned if the rp is submitted to the group through submissions or earnings.

This method makes liberal use of the Tatsu bot, a d20 roll, and your creativity. Here’s how it works.

Beginning the Battle
Decide your teams and their moves - or, at least, have a general idea of what your pokemon can accomplish and do. You in no way have to restrict yourself to writing out the turn by turn way the game treats battles. Write them more akin to the show, if you want - or don't! Whatever you prefer.  

Use the command
‘t!coin’ for a heads/tails decision on who goes first. This person begins the turn order each time, kicking off a new round with their post. 

Taking your Turns
Players will each roll 1d20 to see who wins the round by using the command ‘t! roll d20’. They then type their posts to reflect the rolls, keeping in mind the scale they each achieved with their roll. 

When attacking, if they rolled:
1 - You missed. Whoops.
2-10 - The move wasn’t very useful. Perhaps it only grazed your opponent, or they were able to shrug off 
11-16 - An entirely and acceptably average move. This is where your average tackle or normal attack would sit - or, maybe you just got lucky.
17-19 - Your move did extremely well! Maybe you landed that anime moment you wanted, or managed to bring your pokemon back from the precarious edge of failure with your support. As always, balance this against how well your opponent defended. If they rolled a 15, it was a closer call than if they were to have rolled a 4, after all. 
20 - A critical hit! Wow! Count this as two hits. 

When defending, if they rolled:
1 - You were hit. Ow.
2-10 - Your dodge was poorly timed, or defending was futile - either way, you didn’t defend against their attack very well, and definitely took the hit. Unless, of course, they rolled a 4 and you rolled a 3 - then, it was likely a close call between your weak defense, and their similarly weak attack. 
11-16 - An entirely and acceptably average move.
17-19 - You did a great job! Maybe your pokemon moved with great speed or strength!
20 - COUNTER. You land a hit against your opponent while defending, and do not take the damage yourself. 

Fainting & Defeat
After 3 direct hits, your pokemon will faint. You may adjust this number based on how well you believe your pokemon would be able to withstand damage, or how long your trainer would allow them to battle. We recommend you don’t go over 5, however, or you’ll end up with a never ending battle. 

Again however, the numbers listed and descriptions are just suggestions by the end of the day. Do your best to determine the most fair outcome!

The battle ends when one player runs out of pokemon. Good luck!


9.) How many party members can we start with?

Regardless if they had past pokemon or not, your trainer will be asked to set aside their old party members after being accepted into the top 100. Other than a companion pokemon if desired (that they can not use in battle), your trainer will only start with a kanto starter. Everyone gets a free slot for a companion pokemon.

10.) Does the timeline for the group follow the actual timeline of the mainline games' release dates? Are the events that happened in the games canon??

Treat the group as it's own setting, but if you Need a timeline to aid your bio; treat it as after the events of in-game HGSS but before the other games. So basically the great flood of Hoenn hasn't happened, Neo-plasma, Dialga and Palkia being summoned-- none of that.However, Rainbow Rocket has already occurred and disbanded.

Why before the other games plots? The other games follow plot lines such as world flooding or space distortion, it's a lot to consider! So, this is just to make the world a little smaller.

11.) Do only the main series regions exist or can our trainers be from Orre, Fiore, etc ?

As long as you understand the group is modern/present day + mainline plot does not happen, they can be from wherever as long it makes sense! In other words, your trainer can absolutely be from somewhere else rather than the main regions, but you can't have someone from a far past (i.e. Sir Aaron time.)

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