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And so the journey begins...

Following the events of Red's journey to become the new Champion of Kanto, Pallet town had become a new hub for tourism. People from all over the world were eager to learn where the boy's story had all started, and even start their own story there.

With a new flux of fresh minds, all of them eager for adventure, the people of Kanto were sure this would introduce a new generation of League challengers - and, possibly, a new League Champion...!


' Good Morning, Kanto! This is Poppy Kurita, and you’re listening to PKMN News Network - so don’t touch that dial!

This just in-- Breaking News! Seems the news we've been waiting for have just arrived-- a super sweet twist at that.

In collaboration with our very own Professor Oak, the Kanto League have decided to open a new challenge--No,no,no dear viewer! Not the League itself, but something new! The Kanto Tournament! How fascinating is that? Instead of becoming champion of Kanto, the winner will become known of champion status. They'll be accepted as a champion of region and no longer need to wait in their own region and await a new trial.

That's right! You heard it from here! This new style of Tournament welcomes those not coming from our little Kanto! We'll be seeing trainers from near and far competing for such a fabulous prize! They'll be expected to not only go through challenges offered by the Gym Leaders, but also the occasional challenge provided by the officials. However-- not everyone may win. There will be one winner, however runner ups that make it the finals will be given prizes as well.

How exciting!

And remember - this was Poppy Kurita, your cutest news anchor, with PKMN-News Network! Tune in next time for more league tournament and local news updates! '

In Summary

Similar to how Galar treats the league as a sports tournament, your trainer will be competing in a Kanto World Tournament for the status of Pokemon Champion. This tournament is televised and promoted by the Indigo League, using every piece of Social Media they have available.

Trainers will be expected to collect the eight official Indigo League badges, complete challenges and events to help promote the event, and bump elbows with some of Kanto's most famous Pokemon Professionals. 


With so much excitement and publicity surrounding the event, people from all over the Pokemon world have caught wind of this tournament. Luckily for them, there's no requirement to be from Kanto to participate and win. Foreigners have flocked to Kanto to compete for the titles available in the tournament, alongside all the fame and fortune that comes with them. 

What's is the world Tournament? What does it mean to have Champion status?

In the world of Pokémon, there is of course a social ladder. Gym leaders, Elites, and Champions old and new are all treated as some type of leader or figure of guidance, entrusted to handle dangerous events and Pokémon as they arise. 

While there can only be one Kanto Champion, there are more regions and leagues in the world than just Kanto - and in times of crisis, why should nine people from each region be the ones to deal with it? It is from this logic that the World Tournament was created. 

Hosted in Kanto, the historic location of the first ever Official Pokémon League, the World Tournament is the first global challenge for trainers from all over the world. Hosted in part by every region, the challenges are complex and varied. With a mixture of gym battles and Pokémon challenges, trainers who complete all of the required battles and competitions, retaining their popularity to the end, gain Champion status that is valid within any country or region in the world.

From there, the champions are able to challenge one another, with the top victor emerging as the World Champion. The others still retain their Champion status, however, and may be called upon at any time to take the place of the reigning Champ of any region, should they find themselves wrapped up in other official business.

Champion Status earns someone fame, recognition, and money to balance their responsibilities. They are the heroes of their worlds - the superstars of Pokémon society. What has drawn your character to the tournament...? We're eager to find out.

Why not just host the regular League Championships?

This is the question of the event. If everything else was proceeding as normal, there would be no questions - but the usual leagues simply aren't happening this year, and even the news outlets can't seem to coax answers out of the admins or gym leaders as to why. 

For whatever reason, they're holding their tongues on why they're searching for new champions, while their own champions still retain the title. Plus, the official champs haven't been seen or heard from since the tournament began. Strange!!

All they seem to share is that this is a way to respond to the increased global crime rate, and a way to unify the regions under one mantle of Pokémon Masters. Pokémon have no nations, after all. Pokémon stand for peace, and unity!

Do you believe them? Or do you think that you can figure out what it is they're not saying?

Registration arc

This takes place after being registering for the tournament.
Your trainer will be told there's a final registration: Battle match ups.

Not only will this be broadcast, but they will be tested on their knowledge of battles, strategizing and overall how they perform. Winning or Losing would affect their scores.

Have a trainer not familiar with battles or is this their first one? Don't worry, they have that covered. If you don't have your own team while applying, the staff will supply both a walkthrough of battle rules and a rental team (most likely kanto pokemon but can be any, not a hard rule.) However, if they use their own pokemon, it affects their score positively.

The final registration is placing the top 100 trainers into the Tournament. This is where the group begins!


Plot Summary (8/5)

While completing badges and challenges, the trainer contestants have been slowly discovering there's something amiss with the region of Kanto. Crime rates seem to be skyrocketing here--there-- everywhere! Not only that, but unexplained incidents have popped up and has left little to chew on. Other than finding stolen equipment from the company of Xplor, we're only left to assume Team Rocket has returned again.

Still, that's not our problem, now is it? Approaching the halfway mark of the competition, the homestretch is within reach!


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